If you are looking for USCCA Training Classes in Chicago, look no further! Alpha Koncepts is an official Partner with the United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA), and we are located just outside of Chicago. We offer all USCCA classes at ranges surrounding the Chicago land area.

USCCA Classes offered by Alpha Koncepts

As an official USCCA Partner and with our excellent staff of certified USCCA instructors, Alpha Koncepts is able to offer every class that the USCCA offers. Classes range from basic pistol, home defense, concealed carry, defensive shooting, medical training and now even the AR15 rifle. Below we will give you a brief summary of each class and a means to register for those classes.

Concealed Carry & Home Defense (CCHDF)


Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals is a comprehensive course for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self-defense. The course is a complete guide to understanding conflict avoidance and situational awareness; home security and home defense; handgun, shotgun and AR-15 basics; shooting fundamentals; the physiology of violent encounters; the legal aspects of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath); and a complete guide on gear, gadgets, and ongoing training.

Under the CCHDF umbrella
Basic Pistol, Concealed Carry, Home Defense, Instructor Guided Simulation (laser training)

We are also able to offer the following CCHDF mini-classes
Real Estate Agent Safety, Introduction to Constitutional Carry, Developing a Personal Protection and Home Protection Plan, Self Defense Firearm Basics, Defensive Shooting Fundamentals, the Legal Use of Force, Violent Encounters and their Aftermaths, Gear and Gadgets for the Gun Owner, Basic and Advanced Pistol Skills, 

Defensive Shooting & Advanced Defensive Shooting

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Defensive Shooting Fundamentals will guide you through the steps you’ll need to take to go from just sending rounds downrange to actually training in specific, tested methods of armed self-defense. From stance to grip to physical shooting technique, Defensive Shooting Fundamentals Level 1 will help you hone the edge on your inner warrior expert. You’ll get your body working with your gun instead of against it, you’ll learn which intuitive skills work best with what your body will naturally do while under stress in a combat situation, and you’ll learn to apply this information simply and effectively – regardless of your skill level.

Defensive Shooting Fundamentals Level 1 and Defensive Shooting Fundamentals 2.

Countering the Mass Shooter


In Countering the Mass Shooter Threat you’ll pour over data collected from 48 mass shootings, finding similarities along the way which will lead you to a conclusion that answers the question – what can be done to counter this threat? Once you’ve learned all you can from these historical events you’ll begin to understand the importance of developing an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), and the systematic forethought that goes into mass casualty preparation.

Church Safety – Protecting your Congregation, 

We are also able to offer the following mini-classes

What Have We Learned about Mass Shooters, Countering the Threat

Emergency & First Aid


Learn how to prolong the life of a loved one long enough for the ambulance to arrive. Take your lifesaving skills to the next level with this in-depth training program designed around cutting-edge emergency training. Become comfortable with proven first aid for serious bleeding, chest injuries, a compromised airway, spinal injuries, broken bones, and more. The step-by-step training will allow you to easily master these essential techniques at your own pace so you can bridge the gap between the time of injury and the arrival of first responders.

AR15 Fundamentals

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the USCCA AR15 class will teach you how to use your AR-15 firearm, whether it is a pistol, rifle, or state legal other firearm. Topics covered will include, how it functions, cleaning, ammo selection, load and unload, the shooting fundamentals as they pertain to long guns, malfunction clearance. The core of the class will be fundamentals.

As an added bonus to our students, we will discuss the Chicago and Cook County Assault Weapon Bans.

Interested in signing up for a USCCA Certified class? Click the calendar above!

The USCCA was founded in 2003. Several years later began offering self-defense insurance to its’ members through a structured relationship with an insurance carrier. The USCCA then built a concealed carry curriculum and began certifying concealed carry instructors in 2013. In 2013, the USCCA held its first instructor certification to teach Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals. There were 77 attendees. The USCCA is considered by many to be an excellent resource for all things regarding concealed carry. While being a member of the association does have benefits, in addition to the self-defense insurance, you do not need to be a USCCA member to take a USCCA Class.

Interested in a USCCA membership? Click the link to learn more.

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