The Art of the Dynamic Handgun by Magpul Dynamics is a DVD set recorded during a multi-day class as instructed by Travis Haley and Chris Costa.
Though this video is several years old, released in 2010, the information contained in the Art of the Dynamic Handgun DVD set is very valid. Also, it is important to note that no DVD really can replace hands on instruction from a qualified instructor, this DVD set is one of the better DIY at home training DVD’s.
Topics of discussion in the Art of the Dynamic Handgun include:
- The shooting fundamentals broken down into the “Core Three” as Haley and Costa teach it.
- Deploying the firearm from the strong side holster in a smooth fashion.
- Reloading techniques including administrative, slide lock and tactical. When to use each reloading method and how to do it.
- Shooting Drills to find your failure points, self diagnose, and push past them to become a better shooter.
- Travis Haley also discusses concealed carry and the mindset necessary to be able to effectively carry a concealed firearm.
As the instructors are doing their thing, they are teaching the why in addition to the how. In my life, understanding why I do something is critical to mastering that skill. It’s one thing for an instructor to say “Do it this way.” It’s another thing for the instructor to say, “This is one way it can be done, and these are the reasons this is the preferred method.” This is a teaching style I use in my own classes and I am glad to see nationally recognized instructors utilizing the same techniques.
The 1st DVD focuses on the fundamentals, stance, grip, sight picture, sight alignment, trigger control, hold control and follow through. The instructors do a good job breaking this down into what they call the core three, and then explain and demonstrate shooting using only 2 of the core principals.
Also on the 1st DVD Haley and Costa explain reloads and malfunction clearing. Further the explain training techniques you can do either with a shooting buddy or alone to self diagnose shooting flaws and force malfunction drills. The first DVD finishes with instruction on various unorthodox handgun shooting positions
The 2nd DVD takes the fundamentals learned on the first DVD and begins to introduce dynamic movement based on reality then builds from there. Approximately half way through the DVD scenario based training begins. This scenario based training is similar to what you may experience in a defensive pistol competition or force on force training class.

The 3rd DVD in the set is the concealed carry DVD. Within this DVD the instructors build the previously learned fundamentals and skills around every day life and clothing. Also, the instructors explain that carrying a concealed firearm is a life style choice. Topics of discussion surrounds public perception, liability, wardrobe selection and more.
Also discussed is holster selection and the draw backs of purchasing a cheap holster. Later the instructors demonstrate one-handed shooting, reloading, and malfunction techniques.
The 4th DVD provides the viewer with a number of drills that the shooter can try on their home range, or utilizing dry practice in their home.

Summary of the Art of the Dynamic Handgun:
Overall Magpul’s Art of the Dynamic Handgun is one of the better DIY at home training DVD’s on the market and recommended as a introduction for new shooters before taking a defensive pistol class, or for intermediate level shooters as a refresher and to utilize shooting drills. The DVD’s are worth watching twice.
Check magpul’s website for more information on the older product.