Gear for a Defensive Pistol Class
It shouldn’t be confusing when you decide what gear to bring for a defensive pistol class. We layout the gear selection to make your gear choices simple.
It shouldn’t be confusing when you decide what gear to bring for a defensive pistol class. We layout the gear selection to make your gear choices simple.
At some point in time, if you have drawn your firearm from its’ holster, you are going to need to reinsert the firearm back into its’ holster. In comes one of those controversies the internet loves to argue about. Should you or should you not look at your holster when reholstering?
Should you look at your holster when reholstering? Read More »
What would you do if you are driving down the street and suddenly surrounded by angry protesters? This is a question posed to me time and time again as protesters and rioters shut down highways and neighborhood streets, trapping innocent people in their cars.
This article is designed to give you a brief overview of some of the options for less-lethal defensive tools. Less lethal weapons are known by a variety of names including non-lethal, less than lethal, non-deadly, etc…
“When can I shoot?” or “Can I shoot if?” This is what I refer to as the “What if” game. As a concealed carry instructor it is inevitable a student will ask, “Can I shoot…” followed by some random scenario that has maybe happened to them or they may have seen on recent media. The
This video of multiple shoplifters filling their bags and exiting a liquor store without paying has been making its rounds. What would you do if you were present when this happened? I was having a conversation with one person who said she would draw her gun and hold the shoplifters at gunpoint. She also stated
There are things you can do to give away the secret that you are carrying a concealed firearm. With some people, it’s actually quite obvious that you are attempting to conceal a gun. One of the major advantages of concealed carry is that nobody knows that you are carrying. So, how can other people
One of my many mantras is: Same gun, same location, same mode of readiness, always. What I mean is: I carry the same gun, in the same location, with a round in the chamber, where ever legally possible. I do not flip and flop guns. They aren’t fashion accessories. I do not change how or