How to Avoid Fake First Aid Gear

Where to Buy First Aid Equipment

Having the tools and the know-how to treat minor and major wounds could be the difference in saving someone’s life or watching them bleed to death after a traumatic injury. Let me correct that. Having quality tools is important. In the market of first aid equipment, counterfeits run rampant, and flimsy equipment has led to a false sense of security and even death.

One can buy first aid equipment just about anywhere, even most grocery stores. However, if we are talking about more specialized first aid equipment like tourniquets, pressure bandages, wound packing gauze or chest seals, your sources become slightly more limited. At the same time when we are discussing these specialized first aid tools, they are more likely to be counterfeit.

What’s wrong with counterfeit first aid equipment? “Screw the greedy corporations!” I get it. I’m all for saving a buck. But if I have to go parachuting tomorrow, I am not going to the dollar store. Parachutes, guns, and tourniquets are all similar in the fact that they are life-saving equipment. The Ukrainian Army found out the hard way. Cheap tourniquets break.

You could go to Amazon, eBay, or other generic online retailers. However, these same retailers are where counterfeits run rampant. It’s not to say you can’t get genuine products on these websites. It is to say you’ll have to really search for genuine products, apply filters, and do your due diligence. Caveat Emptor.

While I am not totally opposed to buying some products on Amazon, I have learned how to narrow it down to genuine products by choosing the vendor directly. But I’ve also learned I can sometimes get the exact same product more affordably by going to the manufacturer or vendor’s website directly. Regardless of the price, if it is a couple of dollars more, the peace of mind is invaluable.

Spoiler alert. If the manufacturer is selling a tourniquet for $30 and Amazon or eBay are selling the same tourniquet for $5, it is not real!

Generally, when I am purchasing first aid equipment, these are the websites I prefer to use:

North American Rescue –
TacMed Solutions –
Stop The Bleed (official) –
American Red Cross –
Rescue Essentials –

I have no affiliation with these websites and get nothing if you use them. I do have an affiliation with Amazon, and I’m still recommending you use these sites instead.

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